Inverter Charger in my RV (Recreational vehicles)
I need a DC to AC Power Inverter to use in my RV (recreational vehicle). Do I need an Inverter charger, or can I charge my batteries with the alternator connected to my RV? Also will using a DC to AC power inverter damage my truck batteries or alternator? Regards John C.
The first thing is if you chose to setup an inverter charger in your RV (Recreational vehicles) you will only be able to use the charger applications when connected to shore power. For the most part shore power will not be available so you might want to consider just a standard DC to AC Power Inverter and using the alternator of the vehicle.
Remember every alternator on every truck, car or RV (Recreational vehicles) are different, you will need to establish if the amp per hour of your alternator will be able to handle the load applied to your 12 or 24 volt DC to AC power inverter. The power inverter will not cause any damage to your batteries or alternator, but you need to make sure that your charging rate will be strong enough so that you do not drain your batteries below minimum levels. The best way to test this by trial and error, for the most part you’ll need to use all the devices with the power inverter while the engines alternator is re-charging the batteries and see if the system can keep up with your demand. If it doesn’t you can do one of two things, you can strength the alternator to charge and a higher rate of amps per hour or you can add additional 12 volt batteries in parallel to increase the reserve DC power. If you do choose to use a RV (Recreational vehicles) inverter charger you will be able to recharge your batteries when parked at camp, this way you will be able to charge the batteries without running the engine which will allow you not to use costly gasoline. This is a great feature if you believe you will regularly be able to plug into a AC utility power source. When AC power inverter plugged in your 12 volt DC to 120 Volt AC Power Inverter function as a home ups system, running your devices off of the AC power source and recharging your car batteries until power loss or disconnection of the AC charger cord. If AC current is not readily available once again just a standard 12 volt or 24 volt DC to 110 Volt AC Power Inverter will probably be your best option.

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