12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Power Inverters
12 volt DC to 120 volt AC power inverters uses direct current from a battery source and inverts power and outputs standard alternating current. This technology allows you to backup your home utility power in the event of power outages or use your 120 volt electronics in a mobile setting. 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC power inverters are commonly used in trucks to operate cooking devices and multimedia equipment while parked overnight. These power inverters are also commonly used a home backup during outages or off grid power supplies.
Prior to this technology being available truck drives would have to either spend their evening in their truck cabins with no conventional electrical supply which would decrease their quality of life and increase their day to day costs by forcing them to purchased hot food. By using a dc to ac power inverter they can now operate their televisions of computers throughout the night, they can also operate a microwave or toaster oven to heat up food. By wiring a 12 volt dc to 120 volt ac power inverter direct to the truck battery power bank they now can have all the luxuries of home on the road.
These DC to AC power converters are also excellent tools to use as home back up, by wiring these inverters to a battery sources and into your home utility power they can auto detect a loss in power and switch to reserve power. With this type of reliable power this type of system is ideal for such applications as emergency water pump. Previously backed up by gas power generators the expensive cost of gasoline will no long be a concern. If you have a off grid wind or solar power system a dc to ac power inverter can also be used as the final step in converting your clean power inverter into reusable energy. Both solar panels and wind turbines are excellent tools in pulling energy into them but you will still always require a device to convert the direct current in usable alternating current.

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